Airfoil database C-list
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This repository contains basic data on the airfoils, which are developed by different organizations and whose names start with C. The data contains profile coordinates and performance data, including lift coefficients, drag coefficients, and pitching moment coefficients for various Reynolds numbers. For each coefficient distribution by the attack angle, corresponding relations are constructed and can be used in design calculations via SplineCloud API.
Additional Options Used
The Reynolds number is a dimensionless value that measures the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and descibes the degree of laminar or turbulent flow. Systems that operate at the same Reynolds number will have the same flow characteristics even if the fluid, speed and characteristic lengths vary.
Reynolds number range from 50,000 to 1,000,000 in approximatly logarithmic steps.
Ncrit value is used to model of the turbulence of the fluid or roughness of the airfoil.
Current repository contains data for average wind tunnel with Ncrit=9
Mach number has been left at the default value of zero.
This repository contains basic data on the airfoils, which are developed by different organizations and whose names start with C. The data contains profile coordinates and performance data, including lift coefficients, drag coefficients, and pitching moment coefficients for various Reynolds numbers. For each coefficient distribution by the attack angle, corresponding relations are constructed and can be used in design calculations via SplineCloud API.
Additional Options Used
The Reynolds number is a dimensionless value that measures the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces and descibes the degree of laminar or turbulent flow. Systems that operate at the same Reynolds number will have the same flow characteristics even if the fluid, speed and characteristic lengths vary.
Reynolds number range from 50,000 to 1,000,000 in approximatly logarithmic steps.
Ncrit value is used to model of the turbulence of the fluid or roughness of the airfoil.
Current repository contains data for average wind tunnel with Ncrit=9
Mach number has been left at the default value of zero.