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Supersonic Turbulent Flow Over Open Cavities


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Roshan Sah, Sanchari Ghosh. Numerical Investigation of Supersonic Turbulent Flow Over Open Cavities. International Journal of Fluid

Mechanics & Thermal Sciences. Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, pp. 22-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ijfmts.20210702.11

Source Abstract

Supersonic turbulent flows over a cavity are mostly encountered in missiles, turbomachinery, and high-speed aircraft. The turbulence inside the cavity gives rise to excess drag, acoustic waves, pressure fluctuations, and vibrations which may lead to numerous problems like excess fuel consumption, failure of missile trajectory or mechanical parts, and aerodynamic heating.

Repository Details

Figure_6.png describes comparison of Cp distribution (experimental and computational) on open cavity and modified open cavity (see images below). Figure also includes data from Dang Guo Yang, JianQiang Li, ZhaoLin Fan and Dan Yao. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Transonic and Supersonic Flow over Rectangular Cavities. Springer journal of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Vol. 84, issue 4 (2008), pp 639- 652.

Figure_10.png describes comparison of pressure coefficient of open cavity and modified open cavity at Mach number = 2.5

Image 1 - Open cavity (Length-to-Depth ratio 6)

Image 2 - Modified open cavity (Length-to-Depth ratio 6)


Roshan Sah, Sanchari Ghosh. Numerical Investigation of Supersonic Turbulent Flow Over Open Cavities. International Journal of Fluid

Mechanics & Thermal Sciences. Vol. 7, No. 2, 2021, pp. 22-31. doi: 10.11648/j.ijfmts.20210702.11

Source Abstract

Supersonic turbulent flows over a cavity are mostly encountered in missiles, turbomachinery, and high-speed aircraft. The turbulence inside the cavity gives rise to excess drag, acoustic waves, pressure fluctuations, and vibrations which may lead to numerous problems like excess fuel consumption, failure of missile trajectory or mechanical parts, and aerodynamic heating.

Repository Details

Figure_6.png describes comparison of Cp distribution (experimental and computational) on open cavity and modified open cavity (see images below). Figure also includes data from Dang Guo Yang, JianQiang Li, ZhaoLin Fan and Dan Yao. Aerodynamic Characteristics of Transonic and Supersonic Flow over Rectangular Cavities. Springer journal of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Vol. 84, issue 4 (2008), pp 639- 652.

Figure_10.png describes comparison of pressure coefficient of open cavity and modified open cavity at Mach number = 2.5

Image 1 - Open cavity (Length-to-Depth ratio 6)

Image 2 - Modified open cavity (Length-to-Depth ratio 6)

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